Catching the buzz around next generation working was exciting and fuelled my exciting new blog launching next week:
10 things big corporates can learn from Vodafone UK!
Looking forward to running my workshop at UCL for Business Management students on how they can prepare for work as Gen Z; teaching them about generational differences to expect at work and how to optimise and embrace them.
Loved running my workshop at ASOS for managers and directors, on embracing the talent of millennials and how to manage Gen Z! Can’t wait to see you again soon!
“Our passionate and bright group of Millennials now have a much better understanding of their generation, the teams they manage and the people that lead them. I have confidence everyone took something valuable away… I’ve rarely seen them so engaged or asking so many questions!!”
Enjoyed presenting to millennial young professionals on the generational differences at work, with a view to improving working relationships, especially with managers, and embracing diversity.
“I really don’t say this as a platitude but of the perhaps hundreds of speakers I’ve arranged over the years, I’ve rarely seen someone so engaging and down to earth.”
Enjoyed being interviewed for the Times piece on Simon Sinek’s new book on millennials at work.
Wrote a great piece presenting the new challenges Gen Z are bringing to the workplace.
You can read the full article here.
Featured in the SME special in The Telegraph on the greatest tool for engaging millennials and gen z at work.
You can read the full article here.
A news startup started by James Harding, former director of news for the BBC and Editor of The Times of London. I enjoyed being a speaker at their tortoise think-in entitled: The new inter-generational workplace: what needs to change?
Enjoyed featuring as the expert on millennials and gen z in the #askanexpert series.
Enjoyed being one of the most popular speakers at the event, I presented the current state of inter-generational working to 200+ Hedgefund COOs at the Grove Hotel.
“Elizabeth was an excellent and informative speaker.
She challenged thinking and was one of the most popular sessions with the hedge fund audience over our two day conference and I would definitely book her again.”
Have loved presenting for all area managers of the City Division, the General managers for Nicholson’s, and really looking forward to speaking again in January!!
“Her ability to sustain the energy in the room over a 2 hour session was very impressive. The combination of her extensive research and knowledge of the subject with the ability to use real life experiences ensured that our teams felt that they had genuinely learned something that could be immediately used in their businesses.”
Loved presenting about generational differences at work and how to tackle them!
Overwhelmed by the popularity of my stand and how many frustrated millennials and employers came to chat!
“I thought that your subject provides a good topic as ‘everyone talks about millennials’ but few have any structured and tangible understanding and insights. Even fewer have formal strategies for embracing, managing and developing millennials effectively.”
Carried out my own millennial style research – on millennials, by millennials – collated video selfie data from a range of millennials in diverse industries regarding what keeps them, and what turns them off!!! It has been a hit for execs.
My strong understanding of younger generations has lead to my development, teaching and training of a curriculum teaching young people about how to conduct relationships safely and optimally. Covering topics including consent, diversity, sexual orientation and gender, meaningful conversations with young people keep me in the loop….. And young!
“Having worked with Elizabeth for many years and watched her in action, I can say with certainty that she has a remarkable ability to relate to millennials. She has an open, non-judgemental and inclusive style to her work. Combined with all the above qualities, she has wisdom, depth, insight, self-awareness and self-knowledge based upon both academic research, and her own experience with personal interactions and many years in education. If you are interested in self-growth and engagement, I highly recommend Elizabeth Michelle!”
“I could listen to you all day long , I wish the session was longer you certainly hypnotised me.”
Three times winner for best graduate place to work, I carried out a cultural audit, identifying key strengths and areas of development for the organisation. I ran workshops on resilience, different personality types and communication styles.
“Elizabeth has played a fundamental role in helping us engage our staff. Together we established ‘Express Labs’. This is a forum where staff gather once per month and hear a keynote or discussion from Elizabeth. This way of investing in our team’s education has paid back by way of higher engagement, increased levels of retention and has helped us to attract great people.
Her expertise is in many areas of human behaviour, and has particularly helped our management team understand the challenges and benefits that ‘Millennials’ bring to our dynamic workforce. Elizabeth is certainly wise beyond her years, is an absolute pleasure to work with and challenges outdated current thinking about how to motivate an ever changing workforce. Her engaging and charming manner is infectious.”
At the worlds largest gliding society, I loved running training on communication styles and specialised management training for the senior team.
“After a full career in the Services being ‘taught’ this sort of subject, I was very impressed with how quickly Elizabeth gained the undivided and supportive attention of her very mixed training audience, and got a significant message across in a short period of time. Very impressive, and with immediate worthwhile results too.”
…I have been busy working on my almost-completed Psychology Doctorate, working as a therapist in extreme mental health, in a high-security forensic setting, rehab and psychiatric hospital, writing my book and met tons of interesting people!!!